Grade Projector

The Grade Projector system is an innovative way to display lumber grades on boards. The system uses a projector mounted above the flow to project the grade determined by the optimizer directly onto each board, and tracks that projection with the board as it passes by check graders.

A Better Solution:

⦁ Automated grading systems have become incredibly accurate but still require quality control checks to ensure the system is highly tuned. Check graders need to know what grade the optimizer has assigned to a piece so they can assess it for accuracy, and make any parameter changes if necessary.
⦁ The Grade Projector is a simple and effective alternative to traditional paint spray systems and complicated lighting systems. Boards are not marked in any way, so your freshly planed lumber remains clean and bright. The Grade Projector does the job easier and better.

Features and Benefits:

⦁ Projected symbols representing the grades are customizable so you can create symbols your facility is used to using.
⦁ All saw lines including near end, far end, and cut-in-two are projected onto the material in their respective locations making it very easy to view trim decisions.
⦁ Multiple grades can be projected onto the material to display multi-grade cut-in-two decisions.
⦁ Projections are highly accurate and able to track material on smooth chain or lugged chain.
⦁ Projections detect skewed material and adjust appropriately.
⦁ Projecting grades onto boards leaves planed lumber clean and mark-free.