True-Read Grade Mark Reader

The True-Read Grade Mark Reader series employs a fully trainable, mill maintainable system that reads and interprets handwritten grade and trim marks, cut-in-two and cut-out marks. It offers the highest accuracy rate in the industry with lower re-run and off-grade rates.

Both True-Read GL and XL models recognize marks with 99.7% accuracy under typical conditions (greater accuracy is possible under ideal conditions).

True-Read Series Features (Both GL and XL Models):

⦁ Tolerant of variations in mark thickness, brightness and skip - rejects board noise.
⦁ Accurately recognizes more symbols and can be trained to recognize acceptable variations of symbols.
⦁ Advanced color recognition allows individual grader colors and accurate monitoring.
⦁ Advanced mark thresholding techniques - fewer marks are rejected or misread.
⦁ Integrated with the WinTally sorter management and reporting system.
⦁ Highly tuneable, easy to maintain and operator friendly.
⦁ Once configured little adjustment or maintenance is required beyond regular cleaning.
⦁ Parts are easily obtainable off the shelf.
⦁ All software functions are adjustable from user-friendly menus.
⦁ Field adjustable timing and configuration allows for changes in equipment or control system.
⦁ Modem and software included to allow for worldwide on-line service.
⦁ Reliable service and support. We maintain a 24 hour, on-call pager to provide assistance when required. ⦁ Training courses are available for both Grade Mark Reader and WinTally systems.

True-Read XL Only:

⦁ Decision processor / workstation architecture allows powerful image collection, re-run and tuning capabilities that can result in higher performance than would be possible with a single computer architecture. Manual grade mark sets are automated to eliminate errors at changeover.
⦁ The decision processor and workstation are also built to back each other up in the event of a failure. Either can be quickly configured to handle all critical grade mark reader functionality.

Integration with WinTally System:

⦁ The True-Read system comes fully integrated with the WinTally sorter management and reporting system (sites where both systems are installed) for grade and mark setup, crew/shift/color setup and reporting. Information need only be entered once, with less chance for error.

Other Features:

Image Collection and Mark Thresholding - Advanced automatic thresholding and sensitivity adjustments make the True-Read series highly tolerant of low mark lay-down, crayon skip and variations in mark brightness, and allow a high degree of rejection of sap fluorescence.
Advanced Character Recognition - Advanced character recognition and training module system enable the True-Read series to allow variations in penmanship.
Trainable Database - Both valid and unrecognized marks may be saved (the date, a serial number, symbol, color of the mark or grader name) as the system is running. Unrecognized marks may be trained into the database.
Advanced Color Recognition - Color recognition and a simple color calibration interface allow up to 8 different colors to be set up and recognized allowing graders to have their own color for closer performance monitoring.
Grader’s Monitor - A monitor is located where it is visible to the graders. Each board image, its marks and crayon color are displayed along with the marks the grade mark reader recognized.
Maintenance Friendly - All software functions are adjustable from user friendly menus. Timing and configuration of outputs allows for changes in the equipment or control system. The True-Read series is truly mill maintainable and all electronic parts can be easily obtained off the shelf.
Infinite Fence (Optional, at No Charge) - Useful for lines with linear actuated multiple positions fences. The grade mark reader measures the distance from the lumberline to the grader’s horizontal mark.