LS 300 Log Scanner

Multipurpose quality scanner with multiple cameras and x-ray option providing advanced functions with optimal results.

Sawmill Yield and Quality Optimization

LS 300 log scanner is a multipurpose scanner for log scanning and sawmill optimizing purposes. The machine scans the logs for exact dimensions and generates accurate 3D models with cutting optimization. X-ray option can be added as well for detection of the defects inside the individual logs. Resign channels, specific part wood quality and other abnormalities, like nails or shrapnels can be detected efficiently for cutting and sorting further down the sawmill line. Scanning process is conducted from all sides of the log using cutting-edge 3D laser triangulation methods. Advanced in-house engineered AI technology is used for defect detection and cutting optimization according to each individual customer’s preferences that can also be changed easily according to specific order requirements. Scanner can efficiently send data to control any sawmill machinery after the scanning process is complete to achieve the desired perfect results with increased yield and quality. Every scanned model of the log is displayed live on the terminal touch screen unit and stored in the database, where it can be viewed at any time.

Log Scanning Functions Combined in a Single Machine

For each scanned log a 3D model is generated and the log is optimized for cutting. All the information is displayed live on the touch screen terminal unit for fast examination and stored in the database. The scanner can support high conveyor belt speeds. Acquisition of x-ray scanner is also possible, providing measurements at 2.000 frames per second. X-ray specific functions are therefore providing for even more accurate scanning. The entire process of scanning is completely automated, while providing a high detection reliability. Settings for cutting optimization can be changed via the touch screen terminal unit, so the orders for boards of different dimensions can be carried out quickly and efficiently. For more capabilities check out our brochure.

AI Powered Software Solution

With our log scanners artificial intelligence technology is used for defect detection and efficient cutting optimization. Software for cutting optimization is able to find the best possible layout of boards to cut withing the log, to achieve the desired performance. Despite the different variations of boards that are required to be cut from the log, the system will work without interruptions, while always delivering the pristine results.

Powerful and Durable

LS 300 log scanner is built from durable materials incorporated into the structure to withstand heavy industrial environment. The machine, as well as the touch screen terminal unit are completely dust and particle proof providing for reliable and durable operations. The terminal touch screen unit presents the center of visual feedback. All live data is presented via the user-friendly interface, alongside with the live 3D log images. Database can also be accessed directly through the display, usable mainly for quality reports, tracking suppliers’ log quality etc. Any required maintenance will also be conducted easily due to innovative modular design of the machine.


Our scanner can support different types of wood species such as engelmann, sitka spruce, douglas fir, pondarosa pine, lodgepole pine, larix, maple, oak etc. Any other wood species can also be defined for recognition and optimization. With our solution precision cutting without unnecessary losses will become possible and efficient.