LS 30 Log Carriage Scanner

Multipurpose log carriage scanner with multiple cameras for log carriage sawmill line optimization.

Autonomous Log Carriage Control

LS 30 log carriage scanner is a multipurpose scanning solution for log carriage sawmill line optimization. Logs are scanned when in the carriage sawmill line to achieve the optimum cuts without unnecessary material losses. Advanced in-house engineered cameras and lasers are used for 3D laser triangulation purposes. 3D model of the log is generated and the cutting optimization is calculated via our AI backed software solution. Command is sent to carriage machinery for the best possible cutting efficiency. Advanced in-house engineered AI technology is used for defect detection and cutting optimization according to each individual customer’s preferences that can also be changed easily according to specific order requirements. Every scanned log is displayed live on the touch terminal unit alongside all the necessary data. Every scanned log can also be found in the database, with all the scanning result, which is especially useful for quality checking, suppliers’ wood quality control etc. With LS 30 log carriage scanner yield and quality of the sawmill products will definitely increase.

Equipped with Possibilities

LS 30 log carriage scanner supports high scanning speeds of the logs with great accuracy. AI technology is used for best in class precision cutting of the boards from the logs. Yield and quality will increase drastically, while maintaining fast production process. On the touch screen terminal unit, all the data of the logs and cutting procedure is visible directly when the scanner is running. All the data of each individual log scanned is also saved in the database, where it can be viewed at any time. Reports of the quality of suppliers’ logs, achieved yield etc. are also available check at all times. Settings for cutting optimization can be changed via the touch screen terminal unit, so the orders for boards of different dimensions can be carried out quickly and efficiently. For more capabilities check out our brochure.

Software Backed by AI Technology

Our software that is coordinating the precision cutting of the logs is based on AI technology. The software solution is able to accurately recognize and generate the 3D model of each specific log. Optimized cutting is generated simultaneously. Changing the required board sizes to be cut can also be changed on the spot, and the scanner will act accordingly.

Tough Industrial Capabilities

LS 30 log carriage scanner is assembled from durable materials to incorporate the needs of industrial environment. All the equipment is completely dust and particle proof in order to assure for uninterrupted operations. In the center of operations lies the terminal touch screen unit that is presenting constant visual feedback to users. Live data and 3D log images are displayed on the touch unit. All the data about each individual log scanned is also saved in the database, where it can be seen at all times. User friendly interface also allows for quality reports, tracking suppliers’ log quality etc. Any required maintenance will also be conducted easily due to innovative modular design of the machine.


LS 30 log carriage scanner supports multiple types of wood species such as engelmann, sitka spruce, douglas fir, pondarosa pine, lodgepole pine, larix, maple, oak etc. Any other wood species can also be defined for recognition and optimization. With our solution precision cutting without unnecessary losses will become possible and efficient.